December 31, 2004 at 5:36 pm (Uncategorized)

I finally finished the scarf for my dad. I used the Lana Grossa Due Chine I had and just used a garter stitch to hopefully have a quick gift. Well, at least I got in the mail this year (!). I think it looks okay. It was a bit short so I decided to add some fringe to make it appear longer, plus I crocheted around the edges for a more finished look. Not bad for my 3rd scarf (and two were the same baby scarves).

I’m still working on the mittens for my mom, but I sent off the hat today. I was disappointed that it didn’t look as square as Sally Melville’s, but it’s the thought that counts. Now to finish the mittens so I can get IM’s baby blanket done before he’s in college!


  1. Caheli said,

    looks great!! I like the crocheted edging!

  2. Elspeth said,

    Thanks! I guess that crocheted edging workshop at Knitting Arts really paid off!

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